Monday, April 25, 2005

Conversation with the old man

The coolest thing about this weekend had to be the time i spent with my dad and brother for the 5th consecutive year we had our annual Easter Classic Golf Outing(yes i know easter is long past)and for the 3rd consecutive year i was the winner. All this was great but the best part of the weekend consisted of the drive up to pittsburgh to celebrate my sister's birthday. While we were driving to pittsburgh me and my dad got into a conversation about God and Jesus and all that wonderful stuff. He was asking me questions about how to answer the typical if there is a God why are things so bad type questions. The reason for these questions was because my dad's best friend does not really have any faith and my dad really feels for him because of this which is cool on its own. So my dad has made it a goal that each time he talks to him to lead the conversation to spiritual things. It was really cool how my dad grasped the fact that his friend had been burnt by the church and that he need to emphasize the fact that its not so much about the church and religion but about a relationship with God. How cool is that. I was very proud of my father and it made me take a look at my own passion for people and not only that my passion for my friends who dont know Christ. It also showed me the truth that its worth risking upseting a friend for the Gospel and not only that but a good and true freindship will not be hurt by these conversations if they are handled in a gentle and loving manner. I guess what im trying to say is that maybe we all should be more bold in who we tell the good word to. To stop worrying about who's feelings we might hurt and be gentle and honest and loving and if we can do that then any feelings that may be hurt will be able to be mended. I just hope that i can take from my father this desire to reach out to my close friends who dont know Jesus and to show them the love and the life that i have and to stop being afraid of losing a friendship when the more important issue is that they can gain life. Maybe i should remember that that it is better to lose a friend and gain a brother.


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