Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Bloggin old school style

Well i really have nothing to blog about so i decided on days like today i will just take a verse and expound on it so here is the first of probably many expoundments (is that a word)

This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

If you look at this carefull it may remind you of something it did for me at least. It reminded me very much of the one true commandment Jesus talks about in the Gospels. To love God with all your mind, body and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself. Lets look at it "visit orphans and widows in their distress" Would this not fall under loving your neighbor as yourself. Taking care of parentless children and widows is not an easy thing to do. Not only does it tax you financially but also it taxes your time and your heart. Is it not hard to see children without parents and in some cases without homes. Does it not strain the heart to see women who have lost thier husbands who no longer have a means of support not to mention lost thier best friends. Care for the widows and the orphans had such a meaning now and then also. Were not widows and orphans for the most part without inherietance. The only thing that made you what you were in the days of old. But how gracious is God that he gave himself to be our inheritance. To be our support or best friend our father. God and his mercy is amazing and to see it demanded of us to imitate what he has done is a humbling matter one that none of us should take lightly. But on to the next section of the verse "and to keep oneself unstained by the world" Is not staying unstained by the world living under the guidance of God. Does it not require us to live under the redeming blood of Christ. Is living a blameless life according to God not loving him with all your heart mind body and soul because that is what it will take to live that life a life unstained by this world. Living an unstained life with Christ is improbable living and unstained life without him is impossible. I know that only thanks to the blood of Christ do i have even the opportunity to live an unstained life. And even so i get stained but thanks to his cleansing blood i can be wash and made unstained becuase his sacrifice was complete. He removed my sin so long as i accept him in my heart and believe in him with all my mind body and soul. Romans 10:9-10 is a good verse for that. God is so amazing that i can not begin to place into words how i have been effected by His grace. I can only pray that i would not forget the cleansing power of His blood and at the same time to continue to strive to live that unstained life. May God bless us all in the name of His son Jesus Christ to continue to rely on Him and his love to keep us unstained by this world that we maybe one with Him in the next. That when we see him all he will have to say is Well done good and faithful servant.


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