Sunday, June 19, 2005

Faith and Deeds

I have truly been thinking about faith and deeds lately and I cant help but be stuck on the third point from bible study that faith and deeds are inseparable. I guess I say this because I can see so clearly how when my actions do not match my faith the impact that has as well as how clearly I can see the impact my actions have when they do coincide with my faith. I have never after preparing for a study had such a clear understanding of a sometimes divisive scripture. I truly think that we all need to look more carefully at the true meaning of James and when it is used in accordance with the scriptures it is so right on. To say that by faith we are spurred on to works through love. We are not a people of inaction but of faithful actions. I think our problem lies when we put to much emphasis on either one of the two faith or works. Yes, faith is so very important more important than deeds, at first. Because once we have faith and have given our lives to Christ we are called to act. To go OUT and MAKE disciples of the world. To LOVE our neighbors as ourselves. To FEED the poor and CLOTH the needy. I think this all hits me so deeply and so passionately is because of the time I have failed to act in accordance to my faith. (yes and from my soap box it is a nice view) I want to be a faithful servant to Christ that is the only want in my life to serve my Lord with all my love and to love him with all my mind, with all my soul, and with all my heart. And to be a servant I must be faithful in my actions and faithful to follow the commands of my master. So I guess what im trying to say is that to be the servants Christ has called us to be we must be willing to perform the duties of a servant to act in accordance to the master's will and to yield our will to his. Only by faith can we act in such a way and only by our actions will the world see our faithful service.


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