Monday, June 13, 2005

The continually declining nature of man

I was in a debate with a roomate of mine about bringing suit against people and to my shame i got heated and exploded for which i appologized and thankfully being two men of God we mended our wrongs. But i contend that restrictions should be placed on law suits and he thought otherwise. But that is not the point i guess it could be but its not as important as the issue underlying it. Has our society gotten to the point where people must have financial burdens placed on them to teach them a lesson and has our lack of forgiveness and ability to make amends come to such a low that we can not forgive. Now dont get me wrong i believe that there is a place for legitament suits to be brought against some one but i just feel that as a society if we cant take responsibility for our own actions (stupidity) and we feel we must use a system one not of God to solve our differences and to settle matters we are in a very sad state of affairs but granted this issue goes so much deeper than lawsuits it goes to the heart of man. We are so corrupted by our systems that we have in many ways abandoned the system of God. I pray that in my life as much as i can i can direct myself and my family and friends back to the system of God to abandon the systems of this world and stop abandoning the systems of God for a more comfortable, easier, way of seeking the ends we see as right.


At 8:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Right on man! I am just getting pressed more and more with Matthew 18 and Matthew 5:21-26. I think we go to lawsuits typically because it is easier to sue someone than to reconcile. God didn't call us to sue people, we are to be reconciled. As much as it depends on you be at peace with all men. Romans 12:16? ( I might have the wrong verse but the right chapter.)

Anyway, the courts are there for a purpose, but if we worked harder to reconcile, we would take much of the burden off the courts, and people who need a "fair" trial would be more likely to receive one. I've been talking about this also on a recent blog. I really feel like we stink at this, and we are called to such a high standard in this area.


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