Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Less than a year

As of 4 days ago my almost 2 year engagement finally reach the one year mark. Now i can say that i get married in less than a year. To all of you who have those whirl wind romances date for a week, engaged for a week, married. YOU STINK. I am glad though i have had a long engagement almost 2 years is not ideal but i have gotten to know my fiancee so much better through this extra time. We have really taken off the blinders of love and i feel we are much better prepared for married life than we would have been otherwise. I know she would argue with me about the length but i think that she would agree that to fast does not afford you some of the opportunities we have had to grow together. Not to mention all the time she gets to spend finding bargins for the wedding and saving money. I am just glad it is under a year away and that we had a longer engagement to get to know one another so much better. It has had it struggles and im sure more will come in the next 11+ months but the rewards far out match. I just am hopefully that the next 11+ months will go as fast as the first 10. Well here is to another great 11 months and to all you nonengaged couples. Enjoy the engagement but dont be crazy and go 2 years. But 1 year and 9 months is cool lol.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Beth said...

My brother and his fiance started dating last November and the wedding is in 10 days! Our families have known each other for years though.

There are pros and cons of each route. I think it is good to get over that "crazy" feeling before you get married than after and then you start questioning if you still "love" them b/c the "crazy" feeling is gone. then on the other hand staying pure is harder if you are together longer before getting married.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger nic said...

Agree in both sense


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