Just what am I
I have been reading my reinstated Arch Nemesis' blog lately and it has really got my wheels spinning. I never really put much thought into which camp i am in when it comes to my faith. Am i evangelical dispensationalist or reform or what. Im not really sure and to be honest i never really cared. I guess i cared more about and still do about how i am living my life and if i am listening to Gods will in my life and if im living following the example of Christ. Because from that perspective no matter what some or all of my views fall into what ever camp i know i will be pleasing God and i will not be caught up in the whole trap of this is what it is and im right you are wrong thing. Dont get me wrong i love to discuss and learn where i stand but i guess i just never really put my tent down anywhere. But i now i am looking more into my faith and my views and trying to decide were i am and how all that fits in to God's will for my life. I have a feeling like most things in my life i will be of the hybrid variety. I just feel like my good friend and mentor C.S. Lewis like he says in Mere Christianity to paraphrase that the denominations are all like little rooms in God's banquet hall and the key is to find the one that brings you closest to God. But the main thing is that you have the fundamental precepts of Christian faith even to be in the banquet hall. So i guess in a long winded way im trying to better define the room i have picked or maybe im again looking for a new room one that will bring me in a closer communtion with my Lord and Savior and nake me a better man and a better follower of Christ. I pray that we all take the time to find that out however one may go about it.
I hear ya nic. I am reluctant to be pinned in a category. It is interesting to me how wide the span of orthodoxy stretches. Many of these pet doctrine camps are fun to walk through and consider, but sometimes we can become so dogmatic about some of these issues we fail to meet our brothers and sisters in the Lord with the grace necessary for holding various views.
It will be pretty funny in many ways to find out how many of our views we were wrong about when we get to be in the presence of the king undefiled.
I think it is great to learn and study and discuss these things. Knowing what you believe and learning doctrine are an important part of maturity. I think it does come down to balance and motives though. We should enjoy God by prayer, study, serving others, solitude, evangelism- all in balance.
This morning I was reading A.W. Tozer's book- the Knowledge of the Holy and he brought up an interesting point- most errors in doctrine are a result of a false view of God. If studying doctrine and theology are part of/ fueled by a desire to know who God is- then you are doing it for the right reason.
I think the semantics of "Reformed", "Covenantal", "Dispensationalist", "Calvinist" purpose is only to let people vaguely know where you are coming from without having to explain everything every time. If you don't know where you are- definately don't start labeling yourself. I notice that very few theologians like putting themselves in a category. I thought I was reformed last year- but then I realized all it entails (not just a Calvinistic view of the gospel- but lots of other stuff too). Now I'm realizing I'm not.
It is important to be a Berean- when you hear teaching or teaching- go look it up in the Bible on your own. There is definately false teaching and heresies being taught out there, and we are responsible as believers to recognize it. We are told to do so repeatidly in the Bible.
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