Thursday, June 30, 2005

welcome to west virginia starbucks

Today at work a fellow pharmacist told me the funniest thing i think i have heard in a long time. Now i feel i should start by saying i love west virginia and its people but geeze this was funny. She told me about a story she and her husband witnessed at starbucks here in the "hills" of west virginia. Let me tell you the story. A man and his small child around 5 we shall say. Are standing outside starbucks and getting ready you would assume to get dad a coffee and little buddy something sweet to drink here is the convo as it went down. "you shat up. and calm down or you aint getting no freagin frappachino." Well said. Welcome to west virginia starbucks welcome.


At 6:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's hilarious!


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