For the last week almost i have had a heaviness in my chest. I dont know what it is. It was very concerning. I just could not seem to take a deep breath. I was really worried about it for a while. I went to the doctor got and EKG and a chest x-ray that all came back negative which is good. I still have the heaviness in my chest and not really sure what it is but the doctor thought it might be pleuritis (inflammation of the pluera)(lining of the lungs and other organs) so he gave me some antiinflammatory meds to keep it down till it goes away hopefully. But i have been feeling better and that is good. So i will just keep praying God will let this pass and i will be fine. It really stinks having a problem with your lungs all i have to say about that is DONT SMOKE.
Hey Nic,
Did you have a cold lately? My friend had pericarditis last year- she had a cold and basically the virus traveled to the pericardium. She couldn't lay down without a lot of pain (she eventually went to the ER b/c she couldn't breath very well). Is the pain relieved when you lean foward? Well, that's my two cents. I hope it clears up on its own! Be sure to rest! I'll be praying!
I hope you are feeling better. If not, perhaps wasabi ice cream could cure all that ails ya. Have you ever had asthma? I'm sure they checked you for it already. Anyway, THANK YOU for leading the Bible study this summer. It continues to be excellent. -Trina
Thanks for your concern girls and the doctor thinks it is pleurisy so it should clear up on its own in a couple of weeks or so i am feeling better already which is good. Thanks for the thanks trina and thanks for the prayers beth i hope you are feeling better too.
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