Well first of all my new rotation is going well. I am in parkersburg and enjoying playing pharmacist and hanging out with tara. but today at work i got to enjoy a little lesson about faith and God from the story of Noah. Looking at Noah we can see true faith. Think of this. Noah lived in a desert and God told him to build a boat(ark). Then it took him 120 years to build it. But the biggest thing was that God told Noah it was going to rain for 40 days and 40 nights to flood the earth. And i know what you are thinking no biggie. What takes faith to believe its going to rain? Well Noah and for that matter NO ONE on earth had experience RAIN. God kept the land watered from under the earth NEVER did water fall from the heavens. So think about Noah next time you are presented with a problem and you dont see how God can ever make what he promised come true. Think of Noah and the fact that he lived in a desert. Never experience rain and God told him he would make it rain and flood the earth. And not only did Noah believe God but he trusted him so much that even though it took him 120 years to build the ark he did it and for all those 120 years he had no idea what rain was and how it would flood the earth. Pretty good showing of faith in an awesome God wouldnt you say.
I have heard the story about Noah before but never did I know that it rained up from the earth instead of down from the heavens. That certainly puts a whole new spin on it, doesn't it? That truly is some awesome faith.
good call brother...I'm back on the scene again--looking forward to some quality time with u and t!
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