
I can not tell how much this book "what's so amazing about grace" is digging at my heart and my soul. It truly opens your eyes to look in and to look out. I have found myself looking and seeing a man who has not truly understood the depth of God's grace nor as a follower of Christ been able to give and convey that grace to others. I think about how many times people have looked to me for forgiveness and grace and I have been unable or more likely unwilling to forgive. People don't necessarily deserve grace, but that is the amazing part about grace. You give it anyway. Gordon MacDonald said " the world can do almost anything as well as or better than the church. You need not be a Christian to build houses, feed the hungry, or heal the sick. There is only one thing the world cannot do. It can not offer grace." So as a church, as a follower of Christ are you offering grace. Is you life a testimony to the grace of God. Do you offer grace as freely as God. When we truly understand God's grace and the magnitude of it, then we will realize how we are obligated and designed to show that grace to a hurting world. The world is hurting and searching for a place to be accepted and healed. The world has done awful things, deservedly unforgivable things. So through what other mechanism than Grace can they find peace. So church its our duty to be the extender of God's grace. People will see God's grace though us just as they will see his love through our love for one another. And we can not show the world his love unless we are able to extend his grace. This is why Jesus talks about making amends with your brother, and Paul talks about not let a root of bitterness grow up. Show the world how amazing grace is don't hold grudges, don't get even, give Grace. For grace is all that separates us from the world. It is the only thing we can offer the world, that the world can not offer its self.
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