Tuesday, August 23, 2005

the power

I have been thinking about the redemptive power of Christ lately and how it totally has the power to change us and reshape us. Think about that for a second. We as human beings do not like change well most of us dont especially change in ourselves. I really think the saying "you cant teach an old dog new tricks" I believe that is very true in our lives. We dont want to change and especially if we have been far away from the love of God. I had an opportunity to give my testimony and it was just a reminder of how much i have changed. I was again struck by Christ's power. I could remember clearly the fear I had and the fight i put up as not to change. To leave the life i was so comfortable with. But really praise God for His power because if i really think about it i did not change but i was changed and i am still being changed. I only wish i could keep this perspecitive each day so that i would not struggle so much to stay the same but to truly be open to Christ changing me completely to his will each day. I guess that would be my prayer for all of us to be completely open to the change that God is trying to make in us each day.


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