Monday, August 29, 2005


I took a sabbath today for the first time in years. I never really put much thought into it just never really made it a priority in my life or my walk. It was kind of tough at first having to be deliberatly lazy. Im good at procrastination lazy but being lazy for no point that was different and kind of difficult. I did not do much on my first sabbath went to chruch and played video games KOR (Knights of the Old Republic). It was fun and im addicted. Cant really report much for my sabbath but to say it was needed. I hope that this new practice that God gave us and im going to try to start doing only leads to better times with Him and freeing my mind from worries and this life not to mention better blogs. I think the refreshment the sabbath will bring will be great because i cant think of anything better than Gods rest. God's rest a subject i have been thinking on a lot lately thanks to Hebrews chapters 2-4 or so. Maybe a future blog post who knows. I do know that my sabbath adventure has just began and i know it will lead to some wonderful times with my God. Well faithful readers until next time.


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