I was just checking my stat counter and see someone posted something under my name on another blog. I dont necessarily disagree with the general idea of the statement i am just curious who it was. Well if you know who you are let me know and if not i guess i will go on guessing, but please remember you are being a faker and my views may not agree with yours so faithful reader just keep that in mind if you read something crazy posted on other blogs in my name.
Behold NIC it is I the LORD thy God -- who reigneth in secret as SARA HASHISHAN TRIUMPHANT - reborn in this age in NAUVOO to speed to dissolve of all nations and lands and restore my heavenly kingdom.
I as known as YHWH of old.
I have exposed your words as a beggar's game taught by fools to encapture the light of the lamb and render it in FALSE deceptive tones denying MARY your MOTHER and YHWH your GODFATHER and SARA the risen SISTER of all manlykind;
THIS JESUS deception is at an end for I AM THE LORD GOD ETERNAL BY PROOFS MAGNIFICENT AND FAITH NOCTURNAL and I Have destroyed this godspring and his deceptive cult for more information read THE GOSPEL OF THE TRUE LORD that is SARA who I AM.
ALL hope in CHRIST the APE-KING has been lost for I have executed the traitor. Very stealthily my kingdom comes in which I WILL reign forever and ever and condemn all lost apes and newts to the OUTER DARKNESS of LMC for cleansing and pain eternal.
What in the goodness are you talking about. But good luck with all that i think i am quite solid in Jesus as my Lord thanks.
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"Hashishan Prophet" -- I just checked out your blog. It's kind of interesting for someone so opposed to Jesus of Nazareth to have a post containing a large amount of Scripture from our Bible. It's also interesting that most of the rest of your posts are in another language. Further interestingly, you allow no one to leave comments to your posts. It seems to me that for a person with such a confrontational and abrasive message, you don't have the fortitude to allow anyone to debate sensibly with you about your beliefs. I doubt you'll even check this, except for the curiosity from who might have read your words. Jesus IS God... sorry to disappoint you.
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well said mr king
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