A little short

Lately, I have been feeling a little short on time. I have been working and Tara and I are purchasing our first home. So needless to say my off time has been filled with paper work and running around. I finally have a day off and I have been enjoying the simple things. I got up and cleaned the house, read some bible and now im sitting at the coffee shop blogging and reading blogs. It is amazing how when you are busy you notice the clutter in your life more than when things are calm. My life and my apartment for that case have been very cluttered lately. I have not been diligent in the word and in prayer. My spirit was as cluttered as my apartment. But the nice thing was that I got today to do a little cleaning of both. To take some time and breath and to listen for God. Life is full of clutter only when we take the time to sit back and simplify and clean up the clutter do things become clear. Cleaning is hard work and the action itself is not very fun, but the results are great and worth while. So in this new beautiful fall we are beginning to experience take some time and clean out the closets of your soul. Trust me you will be glad you did.
Good words man! You know, I think part of the reason we notice clutter in our busy times is because wehn we get busy our life gets cluttered.
I think part of uncluttering is making ourselves un-busy. But this runs contrary to everything we have been taught to value. We value busy-ness. Maybe we need to change our values a bit, and run the risk of being offensive in our un-busy-ness.
Then maybe the clutter in our lives and in our souls will be mitigated.
Thanks for sharing the post, my friend. I will be praying for the clutter and for peace!
Can't wait to see ya!
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