'What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine"
I am very jaded right now and a little disenfranchised with Christians as a whole. I guess it all boils down to how selfish I think we really are. I see many of my fellow believers just using and taking and giving nothing back. I think about Acts and it talks about all things were given as people needed. Well I am sick of people just taking and not giving. I see it all the time. Why to me do most Christians have the me first attitude. Should we not be the last to get things to make sure that others are blessed first. I see it a lot at functions where food is given. The object is to reach out to the community and we are to busy reaching out to feed our faces. Should we not be more concerned that those we are trying to bless are getting fed first. Or the brother/sister in Christ who only comes around when food is being served. Geeze come on. Maybe it is not Christians at all maybe it is just a downward spiral of manners. But as followers of a Lord who said things like I eat from a source you do not know (paraphrase). Should we not be less focused on our bellies and more on our hearts and those around us. I am sorry for the rant but I am under the understanding that our lives are to be lived for each other. And I have no problem sharing and giving if anything I have a problem taking and being blessed by others gifts. But if we all followed the example better would we not all be striving to give and to serve not to be served. Then in that way all would be served. I guess I just see people taking advantage of generosity and doing it in a very shady way. Don't come to me under a guise of some God led thing when the first thing you are worried about is when we eat. Again sorry for the rant but my faithful reader I just expect more from myself and others who claim to be followers of our Lord. Maybe we should all expect a little more from each other. What do you think?
As a fellow recovering cynic I really empathize with your plight in both entries you made today. It's like we were reading in the Donald Miller text (and it's also in the Bible), the problem is me.
I think you should share this idea with other people--believers and unbelievers. Maybe your gifting is confronting people where they are and exposing where they are living in deception.
Let's try to pray and think about a way we can reverse this mindset and process that is so prevalent in our world. And let's figure out a way we can embody the reversal ourselves.
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