Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Cults man what a racket they are. Seriously if you want to make a great living, control people, and get to do it tax free what a great job. Assuming you don't mind going to hell. The bible does say that anyone that preaches a message that distorts the gospel is accursed. I have just been made aware of a cult thanks to finding out the background of the person I have been blogging with about salvation. He appears to be a member of the Restored Chruch of God an off shot of the World Wide Church of God or if you will Armstrongism. Named after the founder Herbert W. Armstrong. The Restored Church of God is an off shot of this as I said, which was founded by David Pack. Some of the beliefs of it include such things as the gospel stopped being preached at 69 AD and was not preached again until the World Wide Church of God started preaching the true message of Jesus again in 1934. They also believe in a pluristic Godhead meaning that there are multiple personal gods; it is similar to the Mormon belief. All of this based on a misinterpretation of the Hebrew word Elohim which means God. There is also no Trinity in the theology of the World Wide Church of God. It also teaches that man is destine go become a god himself and that it is not through salvation but through works one is saved. A common denominator in non-Christian cult groups is the works not grace salvation theory. The Restored Church of God is similar, but has some difference such as only virgins are accepted into heaven 144,000 virgins based of Rev. 14. Even sex within marriage is punishable by eternal damnation. But all these thing do not take into account the countless parts of the bible that teach otherwise. We can get ourselves into much trouble when we eliminate the context of the Word of God. Remember even the devil can use scripture when it suits him. I guess the purpose of this blog is to tell you to check out the Word of God before you believe something blindly. We in America are so blessed and fortuitous to have the gospel at our finger tips. Use it. Know it. The best way to defend and defeat lies is with the truth. Praise God Know God.


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