Thursday, February 09, 2006

Pax Americana

I was driving the other day and listening to talk radio. I had an interesting line of thought consume me as I listened and just thought. I was listening to the radio host as he spoke and as he read an article that talked about how America was spreading "its" form of democracy around the world. From this I began to think about the end times. I remember reading about how people believe that a form of the roman, something "Romanized" or if you will the Roman Empire would be reborn. This is one theory of the end times. I was thinking on this and thought that the United States is spreading democracy across the world. Good thing? Maybe? The Romans devised their government from the Greeks, they are credited with developing democracy. Now the Romans with all good intentions also started with democracy that ended in Imperialism. So my thoughts continued on this tangent. What if America spreading democracy across the world was in actuality setting the stage for Imperial conquest. What if our zeal for democracy is setting the stage for something so much bigger? I continued from this thought thinking how for Americans and those under a democracy how much more difficult it is for us to understand an all powerful God. When we have never known that in our lives. When we have never know an all powerful ruler where our say is not equally weighted. We all have a voice in democracy, but in the politics of heaven it is a hierarchy. From God down. It’s His rule. It is a concept that resonates with those that live under a system of government where one has absolute power. Those that live under a rule of one can understand the greatness and power of a righteous ruler, because they have seen the reality of this or the reality of the opposite, but I digress. I wonder where all this will lead. Will our manifest destiny eventual encompass the globe, and are we setting ourselves up to take a tremendous fall. Only the Lord knows. I certainly don’t, but it was an interesting thought as I drove down the road. It made the drive go faster. What do you think?


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Beth said...

Nic- Sorry about the comment from Keith.

I think as Christians we need to be careful to not equate democracy/republic with Christianity. Although the US government may have its roots in the Greek and Roman govermentments, the actual form of government we practice is new. I think it is prideful and arrogant to try to be spreading our new, and somewhat "experimental" government to other nations. Our government has only been in place for 200 years, and the nations/cultures we are trying to conform to our style are thousands of years old. Our current government is exactly what our founding fathers feared would happen- degeneration into a "popularity contest" (I think it was John Quincy Adams who predicted that- he was actually against our voting system that we have today).

In Lincoln's day it would be common for public debates to occur and last for 3 to 4 hours, people would go home for lunch and resume for another 3 or 4 hours. These debates were mainly formal monologues, and often, the people in the debates were not even running for office at the time. Yet, the public could sit, listen, and take time to learn about the issues and the various sides of the issues- hardly, how we educate ourselves today.

Love God, not democracy.


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