Monday, February 06, 2006


Sometimes I forget how much pride will really mess up your life. I have a tendency to be pride full especially when I think I'm being attacked. I have found out though that my reaction to that usually makes things much worse. If I would only humble myself like Jesus tells us I would avoid so much extra mess. I would still have to address the original issue, but at least I would not make it that much worse by adding fuel to the fire. I am thankful though that I have people to humble me and people to bring it to my attention. I am also thankful that God is so great that he allows me to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. He is there to help me master my life. And it all starts by surrendering my pride and all aspects of my life. It is a work and progress and again Praise God he allows us to be a work in progress. Well back to work.


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