Thursday, January 12, 2006

Stupid lungs

Well that goofy problem with my lungs is back it is starting to freak me out. I have this heaviness on my chest. Like I cant take a full breath. It is like my lungs are expanding then hitting a blockade and sometimes I can push through it and other times I can not. It seems to get worse when I exercise specifically the abs and chest. I was doing abdominal twists the other day when you twist the torso on with the waist as the axis (its good for the love handles). And I kept hearing this weird noise. Turns out it was me. When I made a complete rotation something was forcing air out of my lungs. It was really freaks. I have no idea what it is. I don't think it is a problem with my lungs so much as a structural problem maybe with the rib cage or the diaphram. I am hoping it is nothing. I see my PCP on Monday. Any of you out there a pulmonary doc if so any thoughts. Other than that my time in Martinsburg has been good. I have had a lot of time to read and pray. It is like a mini retreat out here. But I am tired and think I'm going to go back to my apt and take a nap. Later on faithful readers.


At 4:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

maybe it is your intercostal muscles. I've had that feeling before. Me and steve used to talk about it. Instead of feeling like my lungs hurt, I thought I was having a heart attack. Thankfully it was just a strained intercostal muscle. Which would totally make sense if it was hurting when you were doing back and abs.\

I look forward to the diagnosis from the doc being a positive one.

it was good seeing you this weekend!


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