Hello readers, Sorry for the long delay I have been on Christmas break and have been away from the computer. Over this break I have enjoyed my family and friends and some good times with God. I have been having a recurrent theme of late when I have been thinking on God and the issues of this world. My thoughts continue to go back to homosexuality. I have been thinking about this a great deal lately wondering if God is telling me that I may have a calling to this ministry. I have been very angered lately by what I have seen in the Christian culture. A hatred toward all things homosexual. I just want to state now my stance before I continue. I do not agree with homosexuality, but I do believe in the homosexual. I belief that the homosexual is a child of God and as any other sinners needs to be shown the love and changing power of Christ. Homosexuality is not according to Gods law. It is a sin just the same as other sins. But the homosexual is not be hated along with the sin. We are not to hate the sinner but to hate the sin. To many Christians (sadly including myself for a time) just have nothing but hatred and disdain for not only the sin but the sinner when it comes to homosexuality, and I can not agree with the hatred of any sinner. God sent his only son, though we were still sinners to save us. Paul says that we were such things as adulterers and homosexual offenders. Were these things. If I as a believer in Christ Jesus can not open my heart to the sinner then I am of no service to God. Because if someone did not open their heart to me in my sin I would still be lost. The fact that there is a web site god hates fags. Sickens me. God hates homosexuality not the person. God hates sin. At what point did we as Christians give up on homosexuals, at what point did we decide they are not worthy of Gods love. Who are we to make that decision. All sinners and all humanity needs to know the love of God and the saving Grace of Christ Jesus. Maybe if we as followers of Christ actually followed Christ we would stop condemning the sinner and get down in the trenches with them. Jesus sat and ate with sinner. Maybe we should get off our high horses and have a bite as well.
I know a guy who spent a year working with an outreach in Chicago that worked with male prostitues- many of them worked for gay sex. It sounded like a wonderful ministry in providing their physical needs- shelter, food, medicine- and then they met with them daily and helped them get other jobs.
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