Thursday, September 28, 2006

Trans fat battle

I was watching the news today and a piece cam on about trans fat. The idea is to ban trans fats in New York City and other cities are also debating the topic. They say that it is ok because heart disease is a big killer of Americans. I disagree. It should not be up to the government to tell us what we should and should not eat. I do not like to eat trans fats myself, but I have made that decision myself. I don't feel the need to have the government force that on me. What is next since diabetes is such a problem in the USA, do we ban sugar and force people use splenda. Trust me I am all about getting people healthy and making America more skinny. But call me old fashioned but I just think the government needs to stick to running the country and the states and cities. When they get that down then worry about the fats im eating.


At 8:52 AM, Blogger Beth said...

Live Free or Die! (NH state motto)


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