
With the holidays quickly approaching many things have been on my mind. Particularly family and friends. Me and Tara were in a car accident the other day. We were rear ended but we are ok Praise God Tara is just a little sore. But of course you get all the calls from both of our parents and siblings. It makes you realize how much our lives are intertwined with people, and how God intended it to be this way. I read blogs about my friends back home and their lives and it makes me really miss what's going on with them because a piece of my heart is with them. Our lives have been intertwined and connected. It also makes me realize how precious these ties are and how much I need them. How much I have to be diligent in making new ties where ever I go. God wants us to make those ties, ties with other believers and non believers. To dive into one another's lives and make a connection. A true heart connection. How amazing Gods heart is and how he wired ours to be in need of love and friendship. But most importantly how we are wired to long for him and long for his kingdom to come. Praise God for all those connections in your life. I sure am today.
I wept as I read this. I am so proud of you nic! And I am hopeful for those friendships and connections for you and Tara.
I firmly believe that the average college grad goes through a 2 year transition period after graduation, and many get into a funk of depression. It's really different being in a new phase of life and being ripped away from community. It is definitely a challenge.
We do need to maintain and initiate those connections though--that's for certain.
Hey Nic! Just got caught up on your last couple months. Sorry we haven't spoken in a while! We miss you guys a lot. If Billy goes down to Charlotte sometime, Sarah and I are going to have to see if we can come with him. Love ya man!
Come on down we are just finishing up the move to our new place. we would love to see ya.
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