Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Plan B part 2

I have been talking over the blog space to my reproductive genesis friend Beth about plan B and the science and physiology behind it. Talk about nerds a pharmacist and a doctor of reproductive physiology dialoging about progesterone. I was telling my wife about our conversation and she asked me about plan B and if I was ok with it. She is not into the science to much. To help with the story let me back log. We both discussed birth control when we got married if it was something we wanted to introduce into our relationship and what God felt about the situation. That in mind she asked me how I felt about plan B because I was ok with birth control and the science behind it. It was a very good question one I had not thought about if I was ok with birth control why was I not ok with Plan B. If they work in similar actions to prevent ovulation among other things why was I ok with one why not the other. Well as I thought and worked through it I told my wife it was a matter of the heart. When women take birth control it is to prevent pregnancy, the heart and the choice behind it are prevention. When Plan B is chosen it is chosen to prevent pregnancy yes. But to also eliminate pregnancy if fertilization has occurred. The difference is the heart. The heart and the choice are prevention and elimination. To me that is the difference, that is why I can not support Plan B. No matter how sound the science is it is a matter of the heart. Jesus talks about the heart of things when he talk about if a man lusts after a women then he has already committed adultery. The heart is key. If the heart fails the body is soon to follow.


At 11:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Plan B is a tragedy. Our culture has just made it so people don't have to consider the implications of eliminating a life. Abortion itself has largely desensitized our culture, but now you can just pop a med, and not have to worry about the potential inconvenience that bringing another life into the world might bring. The root issue is a heart issue. It's an issue of selfishness. It is simply another mainfestation of our culture's move toward what is convenient for me regardless of how it might affect others--even those who have yet to develop their vocal chords. We way things only by how things benefit or serve us. This isn't what Christ taught us about the heart. He taught that the measure of greatness was our ability to serve. He taught that we yield our own lives not the the lives of others. We lay down our lives. You are so right that it is a heart issue.

I am longing for God to transform the selfishness that is in my own heart that I might be able to be poured out more for His sake and the sake of others.

Love ya brotha! Sorry I missed your's and Beth's convo!

I also agree with the problem of overdosing. Our hormones are pretty tricky, and when we spike their levels in our bodies, it can get quite complicated for us.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Beth said...

Although I don't think Plan B causes an abortion since it prevents fertilization- I do agree with your decision not to take as a heart issue. Would I personally take- no, probably not because if I needed to take it, it would probably be due to sin and taking it would be an effort to cover that sin. I agree- if you are married and obeying God anyway, you wouldn't need to take it.

However, what I would do personally would be different from what I thought non-christians should do. I think Plan B is acceptable for our society because it is not abortion, it is not the taking of life. Harvesting embryonic stem cells is taking definitely taking life, and the end does not justify the mean. As a christian, embryonic stem cell research is something I will fight to protect the rights of the those who can't stand up for themselves yet.


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