Thursday, February 01, 2007


I was pondering somethings while i slept this morining. Mainly about friendship and distance. I came to the conclusion that the old saying " Out of sight out of mind" really is true. Its difficult to stay in contact with people. Especially at a distance. Its funny though the thanks to technology the world is getting smaller everyday. I believe that we have about a 2 hour circle. By that i mean if someone is within a 2 hour drive we are more likely to keep in touch with them both by phone and by visit. And i believe it mostly has to do with inconvience, the traveler and the host both dont want to inconvience or be inconvience. Sad if you ask me. Friendships should be more important than that. I think what vexes me most is that i am part of the problem myself. I always find excuses instead of time to call a friend to catch up. But i think im going to make a change. I think i going to attempt to break my habit of self and make and attempt to inconvience myself and my friends to reach out and let them know im still out here. So if your a friend and your reading this be prepared im about to start inconviencing you.


At 7:23 PM, Blogger The Nardvark said...

I miss you and the pictures you guys used to draw for me in class. Hope everything is well in your world, all is great here in the North.


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