Thursday, February 08, 2007

Not just the Gospel

It is not just our job to share the gospel, but to share our lives. "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us." I think we have a tendency to do one or the other. We either share our lives with people or we share the gospel with them but rarely do we do both. I know that in my life i have some close freinds with whom i share the ins and outs of my life, minus for the most part my faith. I also know that as a missionary to this world i have been guilty of sharing only the gospel with people as well. To my shame, but now to my maturity i have realized that i can neither be effective or obedient when i seperate the two. God is love and the gospel is love and the word is love and the word is life. Its all connected so how can i seperate them. My life is my greatest tool to spread the love of Christ. "We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." My action are the tangible example of the gospel of Christ that dwells inside me. My love for others must be a reflection of the love of Christ for them. So are you sharing you life, the gospel or both?


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

so my last comment just got erased. But I wanted to congratulate you on your return to blogging--I thought you had retired. I hope I am able to follow your lead with staying in touch. I feel like I've let my life get the best of me just in terms of staying in touch. I'll have to check out those music recommendations. I recommend Brett Cain and Sufjan Stevens when you get a chance--good stuff!!! Also I will be praying for you to be able to better incorporate the gospel into your life so you will be able to share them both better. After all, the gospel is our life when we take time to think about it--it saturates and permeates everything. IT really is GOOD NEWS!!! Love ya!

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey, when you are up in April . . . do you wanna build that bbq pit we talked about?


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