Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I have been reading a lot more lately. I have read two books this last month. It might not seem like a lot, but that about equals my total over the past 2 years. I read the first of the leather stocking tales. For those of you who may not be familiar the most popular of the Fenimore Cooper books is Last of the Mohicans. The fist book is very good it chronicles the life of Deerslayer prior to the Last of the Mohicans. It is right as the beginning of the French and Indian war and Deerslayer and Chingachock are on there first war path. It was a very enjoyable book. A little wordy but still a good read. One theme of the book is gifts. Deerslayer is always talking about gifts white gifts and indian gifts and how we are all bound by them. Its very interesting to consider. We are all given gifts by God and we are bound by them. Its when we try to use other gifts than ours that we come into trouble. For God gave us all gives "he made some preacher, some teachers, and some evangelists" I know times in my life when i have extended myself into other gifts whatt were not mine and the conseqences were not good. So my question to you is what are your gifts and are you using them, or are you lusting after others gifts and trying to make them yours. God made us individuals with individual gifting so use what you have been given and use it well.


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