Wednesday, October 12, 2005


The sharpness of the tongue is something I continually get reminded of each and everyday of my life. I have a very sharp tongue and I know it. I try to control it but I have seen many times in my life where I have been unable or unwilling to do so. I see it as two problems 1. Most people are more sensitive than I am. I have the personality that if you bust me I don't really care I take it in stride and try to zing you back or just let it roll but not all people operate that way. I must be more sensitive to how people feel and to be better at controlling my tongue in that way. 2. I tease and joke with people I like and am comfortable with. So for me if I joke and tease you I am showing you that I like you and that we are friends again I need to be more sensitive to other people's perception of my teasing. More and more it occurs to me that what the bible writers say about the tongue is so true. It can easily destroy friendships and ruin reputation and burn down paths to ministry. I just wonder how many people I have hurt, and how much i have hindered the will of God by the lack of control of my tongue. Always a work in progress and Praise God he gives me these moments to remember that.


At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about that comment Nic. That is Keith, my brother's stalker. Keith has been threating Tim, his wife, my parents, and I. We have a restraining order against him, and the police confiscated his computer back in July. I will pass this on to my brother.


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