Monday, February 12, 2007

The burning bush and the cloudless sky

Tara and I decided to try our hands at art. One since we need things to put on the wall of the new house. Two because good art is expensive. So we decided to go with cheap bad self made art. I did my rendition of the burning bush. I took away some thoughts from the art of my friend ryan huffman (way way better artist) and mixed faith into my piece. I think it came out ok. Its an picture of the burning bush (God) and a sandle. The sandle representing how it is holy ground in the prensence of God and we must remove our shoes and worship Him. The sandle is kind of wind swept representing the awesome power of God. I think it turned out ok for a beginner. The second picture im posting in Tara's it is not finished yet so im hoping by posting the picture it will get her motivated to finish it. I think she has a great vision and will make a wonderful painting. So let me know what you think and help me give Tara some motivation. It was a great thing in motown when we had creative expression. So me and tara had one down here own our own its good not to forget we are creators with a little "c" and God is the creator with the big "C"

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Not just the Gospel

It is not just our job to share the gospel, but to share our lives. "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us." I think we have a tendency to do one or the other. We either share our lives with people or we share the gospel with them but rarely do we do both. I know that in my life i have some close freinds with whom i share the ins and outs of my life, minus for the most part my faith. I also know that as a missionary to this world i have been guilty of sharing only the gospel with people as well. To my shame, but now to my maturity i have realized that i can neither be effective or obedient when i seperate the two. God is love and the gospel is love and the word is love and the word is life. Its all connected so how can i seperate them. My life is my greatest tool to spread the love of Christ. "We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." My action are the tangible example of the gospel of Christ that dwells inside me. My love for others must be a reflection of the love of Christ for them. So are you sharing you life, the gospel or both?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I have been reading a lot more lately. I have read two books this last month. It might not seem like a lot, but that about equals my total over the past 2 years. I read the first of the leather stocking tales. For those of you who may not be familiar the most popular of the Fenimore Cooper books is Last of the Mohicans. The fist book is very good it chronicles the life of Deerslayer prior to the Last of the Mohicans. It is right as the beginning of the French and Indian war and Deerslayer and Chingachock are on there first war path. It was a very enjoyable book. A little wordy but still a good read. One theme of the book is gifts. Deerslayer is always talking about gifts white gifts and indian gifts and how we are all bound by them. Its very interesting to consider. We are all given gifts by God and we are bound by them. Its when we try to use other gifts than ours that we come into trouble. For God gave us all gives "he made some preacher, some teachers, and some evangelists" I know times in my life when i have extended myself into other gifts whatt were not mine and the conseqences were not good. So my question to you is what are your gifts and are you using them, or are you lusting after others gifts and trying to make them yours. God made us individuals with individual gifting so use what you have been given and use it well.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


I was pondering somethings while i slept this morining. Mainly about friendship and distance. I came to the conclusion that the old saying " Out of sight out of mind" really is true. Its difficult to stay in contact with people. Especially at a distance. Its funny though the thanks to technology the world is getting smaller everyday. I believe that we have about a 2 hour circle. By that i mean if someone is within a 2 hour drive we are more likely to keep in touch with them both by phone and by visit. And i believe it mostly has to do with inconvience, the traveler and the host both dont want to inconvience or be inconvience. Sad if you ask me. Friendships should be more important than that. I think what vexes me most is that i am part of the problem myself. I always find excuses instead of time to call a friend to catch up. But i think im going to make a change. I think i going to attempt to break my habit of self and make and attempt to inconvience myself and my friends to reach out and let them know im still out here. So if your a friend and your reading this be prepared im about to start inconviencing you.