Monday, August 29, 2005


I took a sabbath today for the first time in years. I never really put much thought into it just never really made it a priority in my life or my walk. It was kind of tough at first having to be deliberatly lazy. Im good at procrastination lazy but being lazy for no point that was different and kind of difficult. I did not do much on my first sabbath went to chruch and played video games KOR (Knights of the Old Republic). It was fun and im addicted. Cant really report much for my sabbath but to say it was needed. I hope that this new practice that God gave us and im going to try to start doing only leads to better times with Him and freeing my mind from worries and this life not to mention better blogs. I think the refreshment the sabbath will bring will be great because i cant think of anything better than Gods rest. God's rest a subject i have been thinking on a lot lately thanks to Hebrews chapters 2-4 or so. Maybe a future blog post who knows. I do know that my sabbath adventure has just began and i know it will lead to some wonderful times with my God. Well faithful readers until next time.

Friday, August 26, 2005

the car that leads to enlightenment

Hello all,
My car decided to play another trick on me this week. I was driving to parkersburg and im just crusing along and listening to coldplay when all of a sudden boom my tire explodes. Granted it was the same tire i flattened about 2 months ago and replaced it with a $20 tire so what was to be expected. But in my two hour wait at walmart to get my car fixed i bought a book on bible customs and manners and read it for a while at applebee's and that was very cool. I also got a chance to talk to my brother and what is going on in his life it was great. He is going through some tough times and it was great i had the time and the cell reception to dedicate to talking to him. So through this flat tire i was able to make myself more knowledge able and to support my brother in his life the Lord really does work in mysterious ways. Praise God

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

the power

I have been thinking about the redemptive power of Christ lately and how it totally has the power to change us and reshape us. Think about that for a second. We as human beings do not like change well most of us dont especially change in ourselves. I really think the saying "you cant teach an old dog new tricks" I believe that is very true in our lives. We dont want to change and especially if we have been far away from the love of God. I had an opportunity to give my testimony and it was just a reminder of how much i have changed. I was again struck by Christ's power. I could remember clearly the fear I had and the fight i put up as not to change. To leave the life i was so comfortable with. But really praise God for His power because if i really think about it i did not change but i was changed and i am still being changed. I only wish i could keep this perspecitive each day so that i would not struggle so much to stay the same but to truly be open to Christ changing me completely to his will each day. I guess that would be my prayer for all of us to be completely open to the change that God is trying to make in us each day.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

im back

Hello everybody,
sorry for the really long delay. I have been in parkersburg doing a rotation and visiting with my fiance. Then i went on a little mini vacation. But im back to the blog and im sure you are all very glad to hear that. I had some wonderful thing happen since i have been gone. I got to speak at a youth meeting in parkersburg and it was a great time. I really felt used by God and i at least from my end feel the kids took something away from it. It was a new skill i had been practicing but never got to use that is talking to a large group. It was more like a sunday teaching then a small group leading so that was very exciting for me. I really liked doing it too. I also got to give my testimony and so wisdom to a group of seniors leaving to go to college it was kind of scary for me not to much to tell them my past but to have my fiance there who is there normal leader to hear all that again. But it was great God gave me confidence and the words as to not glorify my past like our testimonies can have that tendency if we are not careful but to show the darkness of it, while really letting the light shine through. I am excited about this fall sememster. I have been praying for all of you that have been a part of the community here at WVU bible studies that you can stay involved and stay plugged in. I really hope that you all continue to let the Lord use you this fall. Well i better get some stuff ready for my next rotation. Look forward to some more consistent posting my loyal reader(s).