Thursday, January 26, 2006


I was thinking last night on a whole bunch of things and it occurred to me that in the world today particularly America we are not responsible for anything. It is always someone else's fault. Look at the lawsuits that are being leveled as of late. We blame McDonald's for our obesity, we blame gun manufacturers for shootings across the country, when do we realize we are culpable for our own actions. When do we realize we have no one to blame for our choices but us. God tells us we will all have to give account for what we do here on earth. We have to be willing to be responsible for our decisions. No matter what they maybe. I have made good decisions and bad decisions in my life. But I and no one else made those decisions for me. I continue to chose the direction. Praise God now my choices are guided by the Spirit. But I still have the choice to obey or to disobey. I have come to understand my culpability in my choices and will live and die by the consequences. To many people blame God when they make bad choices and things go wrong. We make our own decisions God gave us free will. But if we choice to obey him, choice to accept him, he will give us a guiding Spirit to direct our choices but the choice is still up to us. So accept your actions. Be responsible for your own decisions. Because when it all ends there will not be McDonald's to blame. Only yourself for the choices and decisions you have made.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I was watching CNN the other day and I saw the Sago mine memorial. I turned it on just in time to see the preacher giving his message. It was great. The name of Jesus was praised for all to see on national TV. The death of these miner allowed the glory of God to go and be put out on national TV. I know that seems small to help the hurt in the hearts of those who lost their loved ones, but it is nice to see a little glimpse of Glory in it all. I just am thankful for the wonderful people of WV. Who work hard, Love God and make the world a better place for us all. Thank you.

The purpose of this blog was not to lessen the tragedy of what happened in Sago. What happened was truly heart wrenching. The purpose of this blog was to show that in the face of tragedy we have two choices we can either choice to blame God or to believe God. Those involved at the memorial showed strength, courage and faith in a time of terrible heart ache and pain. They chose to believe God. It was truly was inspiring to see. I can only hope that I would have the same courage, strength and faith.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Stupid lungs

Well that goofy problem with my lungs is back it is starting to freak me out. I have this heaviness on my chest. Like I cant take a full breath. It is like my lungs are expanding then hitting a blockade and sometimes I can push through it and other times I can not. It seems to get worse when I exercise specifically the abs and chest. I was doing abdominal twists the other day when you twist the torso on with the waist as the axis (its good for the love handles). And I kept hearing this weird noise. Turns out it was me. When I made a complete rotation something was forcing air out of my lungs. It was really freaks. I have no idea what it is. I don't think it is a problem with my lungs so much as a structural problem maybe with the rib cage or the diaphram. I am hoping it is nothing. I see my PCP on Monday. Any of you out there a pulmonary doc if so any thoughts. Other than that my time in Martinsburg has been good. I have had a lot of time to read and pray. It is like a mini retreat out here. But I am tired and think I'm going to go back to my apt and take a nap. Later on faithful readers.

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Hurt

Well first I want to say the I hope to blog as much as possible while I am here in Martinsburg. Computer access is not readily available so it might be tough. I want to address the hurt that so call christians and christians do to people. I recently had an email sent to me that described a very serious hurt one of my friends experienced by a so called "church". Without going into detail at this point, the actions of this church not only offended him, but they down right cut him deep. I was aware of the group and their actions and was equally offended and hurt. I was hurt for the group and their divisive message and their blindness to a lie. I was hurt for my friend who now carries another scar in his heart placed there by "christianity", and the agendas and lies of the false teachers who use Christ as a means to manipulate. This friend is a good friend and a wonderful guy. But he has been hurt by a lie. Lies that defile the name of Christ and the glory of His message. By this lie, this unloving attitude that does not reflect the true nature of God and of His son Jesus Christ a scar has been made. After I received this email I pulled a "blue like jazz" I apologized to my friend and I apologized for the hurt caused him, and I apologized for the falseness that hurt him under the name of christianity. I apologized to him as a follower of Christ. It felt like it was the right thing to do. Though I had not and did not agree with what their message was someone had to deal with the hurt, and as a believer and a friend I attempted to in my own feeble way make amends for the hurt caused by these so called believers. I can only pray now that God will use this to help heal the hurt. I just wonder how often have we been in situations where people did not want an explanation but and apology for what "christianity" has done. I know that in my own life I have hurt people, been unloving and for that needed to apologize. No I can not go back and apologize for all my ignorance, but I thank God I was able to apologize for this injustice. The first step for healing many peoples hurts is apologizing for hurting them. Though we may not have been the one to hurt them someone, some where, in some way hurt them and did it under the guise of Christ. And for that I will apologize to them and to the world for what has been done. For true faith in God and Christ Jesus there is no apology necessary, but for flawed man and "christianity" an apology may be the first step to helping someone see the true King and the true nature and goodness of Him.