Thursday, November 16, 2006


With the holidays quickly approaching many things have been on my mind. Particularly family and friends. Me and Tara were in a car accident the other day. We were rear ended but we are ok Praise God Tara is just a little sore. But of course you get all the calls from both of our parents and siblings. It makes you realize how much our lives are intertwined with people, and how God intended it to be this way. I read blogs about my friends back home and their lives and it makes me really miss what's going on with them because a piece of my heart is with them. Our lives have been intertwined and connected. It also makes me realize how precious these ties are and how much I need them. How much I have to be diligent in making new ties where ever I go. God wants us to make those ties, ties with other believers and non believers. To dive into one another's lives and make a connection. A true heart connection. How amazing Gods heart is and how he wired ours to be in need of love and friendship. But most importantly how we are wired to long for him and long for his kingdom to come. Praise God for all those connections in your life. I sure am today.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Plan B part 2

I have been talking over the blog space to my reproductive genesis friend Beth about plan B and the science and physiology behind it. Talk about nerds a pharmacist and a doctor of reproductive physiology dialoging about progesterone. I was telling my wife about our conversation and she asked me about plan B and if I was ok with it. She is not into the science to much. To help with the story let me back log. We both discussed birth control when we got married if it was something we wanted to introduce into our relationship and what God felt about the situation. That in mind she asked me how I felt about plan B because I was ok with birth control and the science behind it. It was a very good question one I had not thought about if I was ok with birth control why was I not ok with Plan B. If they work in similar actions to prevent ovulation among other things why was I ok with one why not the other. Well as I thought and worked through it I told my wife it was a matter of the heart. When women take birth control it is to prevent pregnancy, the heart and the choice behind it are prevention. When Plan B is chosen it is chosen to prevent pregnancy yes. But to also eliminate pregnancy if fertilization has occurred. The difference is the heart. The heart and the choice are prevention and elimination. To me that is the difference, that is why I can not support Plan B. No matter how sound the science is it is a matter of the heart. Jesus talks about the heart of things when he talk about if a man lusts after a women then he has already committed adultery. The heart is key. If the heart fails the body is soon to follow.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Plan B

Recently the abortifacient Plan B has been approved for sale over the counter by the FDA. As a Christian I have moral and spiritual objections to this decision, but putting those aside for this blog as a pharmacist and health professional I find this move by the FDA to be on wrought with error. The biggest health concern I see with this medication be placed over the counter for anyone over 18 to purchase any time and as often as they please is that there is absolutely no regulation on how often or how much of this medication will be taken. We restrict Sudafed sells but not Plan B. In a society where one is good then two must be better I find this very concerning. We have all recently see the problems with people over dosing on Tylenol (a very safe drug) what would make us think differently for Plan B. Has the FDA considered that in there decision to place Plan B over the counter. I really don't know so if any one does please inform me. Any education on this subject would be appreciated. Another thought as well is if Plan B is so safe that it can be sold OTC (over the counter) then why do we make women get a prescription for birth control. All Plan B contains is a high dose of birth control medication. But my biggest objection to Plan B over the counter is that we all know very well that people do not used condoms to protect from STIs. We can all pretend that we are enlightened and educated enough that people use condoms to protect form HPV, HIV and other STIs but the fact of the matter is that most people not all but most people are concerned with pregnancy. Pregnancy drives people to use protection far better than fear of a disease. You can see pregnancy, it is more real to people. It has more of a lasting inconvenience (sad) to them. I can only predict that the already astronomically high rate of STIs will rise and rise substantially from Plan B being sold OTC. Has the FDA put any thought into that. Is making the elimination of unplanned pregnancy that important as to ignore the social health issues at hand. I think not.

Latte Beauty

You can not tell from this picture, but what a beautiful day here in Charlotte. It is in the 70's and not a cloud in the sky. I am at the coffee shop across the street drinking an eggnog latte (not starbucks quality). I had the fortune though as to explain the eggnog chai latte to the owner of this coffee shop and his staff. They seemed intrigued and I wonder if it will now make it on to there menu. It was a good start to a wonderful day. It is my first day off in 6 days and I am going to enjoy this weather and my time to relax. I have been very the opposite of diligent in my Sabbath days. So it will be good to have one today. I will be going to lunch with my wife at Billy Graham and golfing and just relaxing all cool. I have been feeling a good bit home sick these last few days. Missing the annual pumpkin day and wvu fall football. But life changes and we must see the opportunities God is giving us in our new place. It is time for me to RISE up and seek his face. Funny how God can speak to you through his word and your friends. My friend Billy blogged on Isaiah and that is exactly the words I was reading and reflecting on this morning. Its wonderful how God can use his word and his people no matter how far we are from each other to encourage and inspire. God connection to our hearts is much more powerful and intune then we realize some times but when we do what joy it brings.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Devil's Head

Recently on a trip to Chimney Rock, NC my wife and I met up with my parents and hiked the trails around this beautiful scenery . It was breathtaking some of the views. It was a great day. There was one particular part of the trip that I remember and that was a rock called the Devil's Head. Around all this beauty was a rock that looked eerily like the devils face. It showed me and reminded me that the devil can be very attractive and beautiful. But the problem is he is dangling you over a cliff. So just as this rock hangs on the side of the mountain. We also will be in a precarious situation when we fall victim to the traps of the devil no matter how beautiful and attractive he may look.

Monday, November 06, 2006


I am alive. WOW i have not posted in over a month. I have been quite busy. tara and i have bought a house in charlotte and we are slowly moving in and making it a home. I have been working a lot and trying to get used to being so far from home. All in all things are well here. Here is a picture from my recent trip to Chimney Rock where they filmed last of the mohicans.