I was thinking last night on a whole bunch of things and it occurred to me that in the world today particularly America we are not responsible for anything. It is always someone else's fault. Look at the lawsuits that are being leveled as of late. We blame McDonald's for our obesity, we blame gun manufacturers for shootings across the country, when do we realize we are culpable for our own actions. When do we realize we have no one to blame for our choices but us. God tells us we will all have to give account for what we do here on earth. We have to be willing to be responsible for our decisions. No matter what they maybe. I have made good decisions and bad decisions in my life. But I and no one else made those decisions for me. I continue to chose the direction. Praise God now my choices are guided by the Spirit. But I still have the choice to obey or to disobey. I have come to understand my culpability in my choices and will live and die by the consequences. To many people blame God when they make bad choices and things go wrong. We make our own decisions God gave us free will. But if we choice to obey him, choice to accept him, he will give us a guiding Spirit to direct our choices but the choice is still up to us. So accept your actions. Be responsible for your own decisions. Because when it all ends there will not be McDonald's to blame. Only yourself for the choices and decisions you have made.