Monday, July 25, 2005

happy birthday to me

It was my birthday on saturday and now i am 24 and am one year closer to a 1/4 century. Oh well guess at least im not as old as billy or beth. It was a very good birthday though and i thank all who called and emailed even though i have not been able to return all of your calls and or emails. But my birthday was fun spent it with my family and my fiancee. I got some cash, golf products, burks, and SEINFIELD season 4 and the new cold play CD and some fruit rollups. So i made out pretty well. I hope to be posting more when i get back to morgantown and am not so busy with school and not having as much access to the internet. Well hope to post soon.

Monday, July 18, 2005


Well first of all my new rotation is going well. I am in parkersburg and enjoying playing pharmacist and hanging out with tara. but today at work i got to enjoy a little lesson about faith and God from the story of Noah. Looking at Noah we can see true faith. Think of this. Noah lived in a desert and God told him to build a boat(ark). Then it took him 120 years to build it. But the biggest thing was that God told Noah it was going to rain for 40 days and 40 nights to flood the earth. And i know what you are thinking no biggie. What takes faith to believe its going to rain? Well Noah and for that matter NO ONE on earth had experience RAIN. God kept the land watered from under the earth NEVER did water fall from the heavens. So think about Noah next time you are presented with a problem and you dont see how God can ever make what he promised come true. Think of Noah and the fact that he lived in a desert. Never experience rain and God told him he would make it rain and flood the earth. And not only did Noah believe God but he trusted him so much that even though it took him 120 years to build the ark he did it and for all those 120 years he had no idea what rain was and how it would flood the earth. Pretty good showing of faith in an awesome God wouldnt you say.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Another chapter

Well I have closed another chapter in my life today. I am done leading Veritas for the summer. My next rotation takes me to Parkersburg and the fiancee and her family, which should prove to be a wonderful time to just hang with my soon to be family and soon to be wife.(completely wonderful because of the future wife time). I am sad to go though it has been such a good study this summer. God truly grew me, changed me, matured me and humbled me. I learned a lot from my preparation of the word and even more from the comments and words of my friends. I want to thank all of you who made it out this summer and made it such an enjoyable experience for me. I am very excited about the fall and the opportunities it will present. I will be praying for all of you that you continue to grow closer to Jesus and to one another. That in my absence you will be filled with the holy spirit and that when I return we will all have great and glorious stories of God and our time apart. I will miss you all and I will pray that God will help us to continue what we started here this summer for the rest of our lives.

Saturday, July 09, 2005


For the last week almost i have had a heaviness in my chest. I dont know what it is. It was very concerning. I just could not seem to take a deep breath. I was really worried about it for a while. I went to the doctor got and EKG and a chest x-ray that all came back negative which is good. I still have the heaviness in my chest and not really sure what it is but the doctor thought it might be pleuritis (inflammation of the pluera)(lining of the lungs and other organs) so he gave me some antiinflammatory meds to keep it down till it goes away hopefully. But i have been feeling better and that is good. So i will just keep praying God will let this pass and i will be fine. It really stinks having a problem with your lungs all i have to say about that is DONT SMOKE.